"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break."
--An ancient Chinese belief

Saturday, May 15, 2010

We're in Guangzhou!

We arrived in Guangzhou late last night and had Yue Lu's TB test and medical examination this morning. There are so many families here from different agencies and it was so loud with screaming babies and kids at the medical exam office. Yue Lu had a little melt down but not because of the exam. In fact, after her TB test, she told our guide, "I did not cry"! That is her personality. She's a tough little girl. So loving and giving one minute, and very obstinate the next. She's happiest when she has food or new toys. She had a major tantrum at the airport yesterday. It was quite a scene. We were the only Americans and had so many people staring at us. Brad was getting really pissed at the people laughing at us. I already heard that Chinese people do that, so I just ignored it. We had really sweet flight attendents who were so good with Yue Lu. The communication thing has been frustrating for all of us, and I wish that I would have bought an electronic translator. I heard they sell them here in Guangzhou, but I'm going to hold out since she's already learning words. When she's not cranky, she is just pure joy. A little actress, funny, dances and sings, and loves hide and go seek. She can be very loving too, but when she's upset..that's another story.

We've met up here with our group from Beijing, and we had lunch together with the other families and it was good hearing what they've all been experiencing. A lot of the kids sound a like...very independent, very neat and puts things away, very clean with washing hands and brushing teeth, but melt downs when they don't have their way, especially when it comes to having to take away food. Sounds like most kids I'm sure, but all these children are also grieving, are overstimulated, sleep deprived, and looking and listening to strange new people. This morning Yue Lu had a melt down in the hotel room since Brad would not give her the whole bag of snacks.

I have to meet our guide and other families now to do more paperwork for Yue Lu. I'm so glad we're now in Guangzhou since we're in walking distance to so many shops and restaurants, and I can finally do some shopping! I will post some pictures later.

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